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McBrides Lines

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[23 Jan 2016|03:35pm]
hey guys! sorry about this being kind of late, life's been crazy! but yes, i've brought in devon mcbride here, [info]mattymcbride's youngest son. he's seventeen and a little different from the rest of his super outgoing family, he's more quiet and reserved, tends to keep to himself more than going out. he's in his junior year of high school right now but he's hoping to graduate early next year if he can take some summer classes. he's an avid photographer and that's where most of his money goes, he doesn't care much about anything else (as you can tell by his hair, which is in dire need of a haircut but he can't be bothered to have it done). his family is one of his main concerns, and that includes his extended family as well! i would love for some lines with the other younger kids running around, especially ones that could get him out of his shell or ones that he can totally just chill with. and definitely lines with all the older members as well, i think it'd be funny if there were a couple he found extremely intimidating since he only saw them sporadically while he was living in california.

also, since there are some new characters, i also play [info]charmc, [info]donovanmc's adopted daughter, and i always want/need new lines for her!
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Looking to Join [22 Jan 2016|09:04pm]

Looking to join you all with this Cody Christian pb! He's going to be the middle child of Matthew McBride (Third Child) so as long as everyone is okay he's going to have his dad and his brothers Jett and Devon?

I'm looking for any and all lines with him and will consider anything. Let me know if someone wants to do something with him. I have his journal done, a little up about him in his journal, and have him apped.
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[19 Jan 2016|11:43pm]

Hello! I'm K and this nerd is Jason. He's Declan's illegitimate son from Georgia. He's an exceptional artist and spends a good chunk of his time drawing and if he's not drawing you can bet he's somewhere...sleeping probably. He comes off as kind of lazy and unmotivated. Which is true sometimes. He's only recently come into contact with the McBride family within the last month or so. His mother couldn't handle the secret and left with him. There's more info in his journal, if you fancy a look. I'm open to all sorts of plotting (romantic, platonic, shenanigans! I love shenanigans!) So, I'm looking forward to it!
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[18 Jan 2016|11:03pm]

I'm hopping on the bandwagon with one of these posts. This is Giselle "Gigi" King, Donovan's biological daughter who he just met/found out about this spring. Her mother, who passed away from cancer in July, contacted him once she found out she was terminal in hopes that he'd take care of Gigi and so she wouldn't be alone. She just moved in with him the end of July and they've been getting to know each other since then. Giselle is 18 years old and she's a professional ballroom/Latin ballroom dancer(think the Dancing with the Stars pros). There's more info(including her sexual likes/dislikes and inspiration) here. So let's plot!
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[18 Jan 2016|04:46pm]

Hello everyone!

I'm Amanda and this here is Lily Travis. She's been dating Donovan for a while now, roughly 4/5 years. It took her some getting used to, wrapping her head around the secret that the McBride family carries but considering she's stuck around she is willing to keep that secret as well. She's a real estate agent and since she's been in his life for so long, I assume she knows all if not most people in the game. I'm down for anything you might possibly have in mind, need and want so lets get the ball rolling and having her interacting with as many awesome people as possible. All of her information can be found in her journal.
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[18 Jan 2016|03:14pm]

This is Donovan's adopted son (and Charlie's brother!). I just finished his application and would love some good lines for him, relations (both platonic and sexual) and anything anyone wants to throw at him!
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[18 Jan 2016|01:07pm]

Good Morning, Afternoon, Day? This is Declan "Graham" McBride, named after his Uncle.. He is 21 years old and the son of Lucinda McBride. So far...he's a musician and very much a mama's boy.
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[18 Jan 2016|12:26am]

I've talked to most of you already, if not all. I have two in the game.

First is this guy, Declan McBride. He's the eldest of the second generation, business savvy (he's a wealth management advisor) with a level head on his shoulders. He's very driven but not a tyrant, even at work when everyone expects him to be. He's stern but not strict and definitely fair. Family is huge for him and he has a soft spot especially for his only daughter and his youngest son, both of whom will likely get away with murder.

My second is the youngest of the McBride second gen, [info]donovanmc. He is a little more carefree with a passion for the arts. He's a sound engineer and producer and co-owns a music studio in Kansas City with his sister, Luce. He adopted two teenagers when he was 25 (more info in his bio) and met the daughter he didn't know he had just last year. She now lives with him. He has a twin sister, Auden, who he is very close to.

Declan is married (wife isn't in game yet) and Donovan's long-time girlfriend is in the works. I'm open to random scenes though bear with me because my work schedule changed over the last couple of months and I'm still getting used to it. Customs are great, too.
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[17 Jan 2016|02:48pm]

Hey McBrides. So I'm working on this kid and a lot is still in flux. He's somewhere between 17-19 years old. He doesn't officially have parents yet but given his appearance, he *looks* like a lot of the McBrides so far. Right now he's kind of a blank page. I know he's not excessively smart, doesn't really like school and he's planning on getting a trade after school. He likes working with his hands more than much else. He's been trouble in the past. I've dabbled with the idea of maybe an outside pregnancy that went south or maybe just a scare that had him keeping it in his pants for awhile. The passion he's gone back to over and over is Motocross and he's competed since youth. So whoever his parents are... ehm... sorry for the gray hairs guys? yes it's scary. I think he busted out his two front teeth doing it and he's broken a leg or arm at least once. Keeps going back to it though. Pain in the ass kid.

So yeah. Principally Mom and Dad? But also just connections anyhow. I've kind of tentatively reached out to a few of you including Auden as a Mom. But she might not want to have a kid that young! He definitely needs parents before he can move forward. :)
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[16 Jan 2016|10:38pm]

hey everyone! i figured i could throw something up here since there's still a lot of you that i haven't had a chance to talk to yet! this is charlie mcbride, [info]donovanmc's adopted daughter! she was brought into the family when she was fourteen, nine years ago. she was pretty hostile when she was first brought to the family, due to her really terrible upbringing and her rough past, and it took a few years for her to really settle and to start feeling like she was a part of the family. i'd love to have lines with everyone, i'm open with just about everything and am always willing to discuss anything you might be interested in! i look forward to playing with everyone ♥
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